Top 5 Christmas Traditions in America

1. Christmas Tree Decorating

Firstly, most families around America Get a pine tree and decorate it with lights, ornaments, something to go on top, and sometimes more.  The tree is usually a freshly picked and chopped tree from a forest or farm picked by the family, but in recent years fake trees have gotten more and more popular.  I interviewed a student that goes to Mt. Harrison High School, Brandon Lee, about his family’s traditions with their Christmas tree.  He said that they wrap it with golden tinsel and white lights along with some ornaments.  They use red and blue ball ornaments along with picture ornaments that they have received from the kids of the family from school and other events.  

          2. Looking at the Christmas lights and decorations

Secondly, another fun holiday tradition that many people partake in is driving around and/or going to events to look at the lights and decorations.  I asked another student, Timothy McGuire, about his family’s light watching festivities and traditions and he said that they go to the Historic Rupert Square for the festivities that are held there as well as drive around to see the local houses’ lights and decorations.

          3. Gift Exchange 

Yet another tradition is exchanging gifts throughout your family and friends.  Some choose to do it with secret assigned partners to get gifts for while others just get gifts and who gets it is assigned as it is given.  I asked another student, Julian Alvarado, about his traditions and he said “We exchange gifts, so we put everyone’s name in a bowl and draw a name from it, and get them a gift.”

          4. Music

Another tradition is listening to Christmas music.  Most probably don’t regard it as a tradition although almost everyone listens to them throughout the month of December and even before.  I personally don’t listen to Christmas music until December and usually only on Christmas.

          5. Not Celebrating

Finally, one more tradition that could be argued is not celebrating any holidays or traditions.  It has almost become a tradition in itself because there are many people who don’t do anything like Santiago, a student who goes here.  There are many reasons that people don’t celebrate holidays.  Some reasons are Trauma around the holiday,  lack of money to celebrate with, and just your family not celebrating these things for cultural or other reasons.