Chamber of Commerce Visits MHHS

The Chamber of Commerce is an advocate for businesses that are in our area that allow people to work together to improve their businesses and build a better community. The program emphasizes on principles of conscious leadership, the needs of our community, and building of relationships through service.    

You may have seen a large group walk around our school on February 16th and questioned the purpose for their visit. They visited our school and many others to learn about the youth of our community and their abilities as future members of the community workforce. 

In an interview with Blake Hollingsworth, the leader of  the Mini-Cassia Chamber of Commerce, he had this to share: 

“The day we came to your high school, our theme was Education and Technology. Next month’s theme is Healthcare. Each theme is packed with site tours of businesses, guest speakers, engagement activities, lunch, and team building. We are helping shape stronger leaders of our communities.”

Mr. Hollingsworth’s role as a Human Resource Director at the Rupert Minidoka Memorial Hospital, makes him an experienced leader for the Mini- Cassia Chamber of Commerce. Businesses are encouraged to become members and gain the benefit of a “networking web” as well as assist in the preservation of “ quality of life in Mini-Cassia.” If interested in joining all businesses have to do is just call. 


Thankyou Mini- Cassia Chamber of Commerce for having an interest in our school and community!