Youths in Rural U.S. Are Drawn To Military

Youths in Rural U.S. Are Drawn To Military


Why do so many kids from small towns join the military vs kids from big cities? More than 44 percent of military recruits came from rural areas, according to Pentagon figures. In contrast, only 14 percent came from major cities. 


Many of today’s recruits are financially strapped, with nearly half coming from lower-middle-class to poor households, according to new Pentagon data based on Zip codes and census estimates of mean household income. Nearly two-thirds of military recruits in 2004 came from counties in which medium  household income is below the U.S. median. Meaning kids from poor families join the military to be able to make a living and have a career. They might not get that opportunity back home.


Stetson Shockey wants to join the army so that way he can get certified in welding that will make it where when he gets back home from boot camp he can get a good paying job in this rural area


Kids will join the military  instead of going straight into college or the workforce. One reason for this is because the military will pay for your college education( GI bill ). Depending on the job you pick the army will train you on the profession and even certify you.

This is why so many kids from small rural towns join the army rather then kids from big cites.