Valentine’s Creation

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Valentine’s Day Creation

The history of Valentine’s Day is complicated. It’s celebration didn’t become official until the 18th century. When a Christian martyr named Valentine, was martyred by the Emperor Claudius II Gothicus. There are multiple legends about why he was martyred, and what had happened. He had a relationship with Gothicus’s daughter, and illegally married people.

Formal letters from Valentines, and letters began showing up, gifts such as candy, flowers (particularly red roses), became a symbol for beauty and love.

Here at Mt. Harrison High School, we celebrate Valentine’s day by having a huge dance! Of course if you don’t want to go to the dance, we always have movies, and games our students can go to. We still celebrate Valentine’s day with chocolate, red roses, and teddy bears. Except nowadays, people are giving their partners expensive gifts, such as an expensive purse. What do you do for Valentine’s day?