Plane Crash


At least 68 people were killed on Sunday, January 15th. The aircraft, Yeti Airlines Flight 691, went down near the city of Pokhara in central Nepal. Government Officials said that this was one of the deadliest plane crashes in the last 30 years. Sunday’s incident was the third-deadliest crash in the Himalayan nation’s history, according to the data from the Aviation Safety Network. The only other incidents happened in July and September of 1992. Those crashes left 113 and 167 people deceased. 


After a couple of minutes before it attempted to land on Sunday, the pilot asked for a change of runway. “Which permission was granted. We don’t ask (why), whenever a pilot asks we give permission to change approach,” the spokesperson Anup Joshi, told Reuters. It’s common for the weather to change suddenly and it’s difficult for them to see any mountains. The French Civil Aviation Safety agency will aid in an investigation towards the crash. On Tuesday four French investigators will be on site.  “The Russian Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case to establish the circumstances of the crash,” the Agency said in a statement.


 I asked Mr. Heins, who has his pilot’s license and volunteers for the Civil Air Patrol. Which was safer traveling on a plane or in a car? He stated: “it (flying) is the safest way to travel because there are fewer accidents and there are safety protocols! When you are traveling there is always the right amount of fuel so that you aren’t short, but you are also given another hour of fuel.” 


What was the reason for the plane to suddenly crash-land? Well according to Amit Singh, “ The aircraft’s nose is noticeably high before the left wing suddenly drops and the plane falls out of sight of the video, indicating a likely stall.” Check out this video Singh is referring to on CNN news. Here is where you can find it